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  1. Hi there! Thanks for the suggestion! Seems like something we could do!
  2. Iā€™m going to say probably! But Iā€™m not sure how and when yet.
  3. Hi there! As the lead designer on HexOS this is something I'm very interested in accomplishing! The current beta probably has several issues and we will be working to making this a great experience for all! If you or anybody else who needs assistive technology discovers any issues, feel free to send me a DM here on the forum!
  4. Hi there! Firstly a disclaimer: I'm a designer and not a developer, so I'm not vell versed in the TrueNAS/Linux underpinnings, what Im about to say might not be possible! In the future we might be looking at options to reduce the system requirements for lets say a 2-bay NAS that only needs regular RAID, but its not in the plans right now.
  5. Hi there! Yes, it is in the plans! You can technically switch to Spanish now, but only parts are translated.
  6. Hi there! Its not currently in our plans, we will need to control both servers for easy connection and setup. But you are of course free to use other apps and set up something else yourself.
  7. Hi there! HexOS is based on TrueNAS Scale and uses ZFS. I'm a designer not a developer but as far as I know, its not possible to utilize different sized disks (the smallest would dictate the size).,
  8. Hi there! If there is a Docker app for this for TrueNAS already it will work on HexOS (curated or not).
  9. Hi there! Are you asking about running VMs? In that case no, you will be able to install pretty much anything you want.
  10. Hi there! I'm uncertain about what you're asking, but right now we support Docker containers and will soon support VMs. Anything you could do in TrueNAS Scale before you can of course still do in the TrueNAS UI.
  11. Thanks for your report! This experience will be different once we implement local UI. Are your other issues resolved? We had quite the load over the weekend.
  12. Right now you can use the built in tools for backup in Windows and Mac. And we are in discussions about more options like native apps, but those would come at a later stage.
  13. Hi there, by default we get the IP automatically (DHCP) so it should just work. It might require a reboot to fetch a new IP from the router though.
  14. Hi there! Its in discussions for sure, what would you like to see in an official app?
  15. Hi there! Local UI is coming and it will require a online connection for initial setup, but after that you can run and manage your server offline. Any features that requires internet (like installing apps) will not be available until the server is online again.
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