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Everything posted by SnowTurtle

  1. I'd like to see a GUI created in HexOS to manage NFS shares. I do think it's a bit more "advanced" compared to what your general NAS user might want, so maybe NFS shares needs to be hidden by default and have a toggle in the settings to show it. There should probably also be a disclaimer or something to tell ppl (in simple terms) the difference between the two. I'd also like to see the option of making X folder accessible via both SMB and NFS (if possible) but I reckon that would complicate the permissions backend even more.
  2. Thanks for the diagram, I was roughly aware the relationship but I wasn't sure if it was more a master+slave, with HexOS fully controlling TrueNAS (with the option for users to manually control TrueNAS), but the sibling relationship structure sounds good. I was thinking it might be the former becuase I've heard HexOS adviise users against performing certain actions via the TrueNAS UI as HexOS might not support those same actions and that could lead to HexOS breaking.
  3. I don't know if I have the budget for 2 HexOS licenses (it'd be nice if there was a discount for buying multiple licenses at once). I guess I could always swap TNS01 on to TNS02's (much older) hardware and then prep the second NAS (with the newer hardware) for HexOS Yeah I think I heard that somewhere, Is that on the roadmap for the 1.0 release later this year? Or is that (roughly) planned to happen following the 1.0 release?
  4. Regarding point 1; I was thinking of comparing the permission types between HexOS's TrueNAS UI, and then implementing those types on that second TrueNAS systems. I'm talking about the UID, GID, Mask types. Probarbly "Advanced" stuff for HexOS's target userbase but stuff TrueNAS users need to know.
  5. Hi all, I currently run TrueNAS Scale on my NAS (TNS01) but I'm considering migrating to HexOS to simplify configuration and management. I'm also planning to set up a second NAS (TNS02) as a backup for my main NAS. I find TrueNAS configuration convoluted and it seems to break with the smallest changes, leading to avoid making configuration changes. My questions are: Can I (manually) replicate HexOS permissions to the backup TrueNAS system? Does HexOS modify the TrueNAS config directly or create its own config file? Can I export the TrueNAS config from HexOS and import it into a standard TrueNAS system without issues?
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