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  1. I'm here for the application configurations, depending on how it goes I can see use in deploying them for clients. I would like to for family but realistically its overkill for most and even a quick Home Assistant OS install might be a better fit with its add-ons. Still all for a hardware 'agnostic' synology like product thought no expectation for a like for like, applications on a NAS never fully felt quite right but I value the space saving too much these days.
  2. While I'm not a fan of the fragmentation I do appreciate Reddit's threads and info density, shame about the platform wider then that. I forgot to mention the blog post by Discourse talking about Discord, a good read. One simplified line being "Discord keeps a searchable record of all your conversations, but the highly unstructured nature of chat makes it difficult to find those really important conversations." ..."How do you find out?" though the meta nature of any gamified functions always played on my mind when I used to help mod a forum.
  3. Stop gap, you seen to be able to report your own post? "this comment is ok, but i want to tell a moderator about it"
  4. Who else was a little spooked by BW's SDK incident and subsequent 'packaging bug' responce?
  5. MITM is always an issue, but the same could be said of going to download the iso in the first place without a md5. I still think I agree with you in terms of the local credentials however I wonder if this is (in effect) you giving the deck the password to authenticate (since the server presumably reaches out to announce itself, perhaps with its public key) the returning response and credential/token/whatever means is used wold then be established. Given there is a commitment to a local ui by the company here, that might address things for an enhanced threat profile. I'm thinking the modal might be more similar to Unifi controller experience and the deck excels at muti deployment or remote management ease of use. Yes, manual verification would be great however I think once you are asking users to start scanning to verify fingerprints your going to be adding a significant amount of friction. I would look into webauth and how at then end of the day server validation is handed by TSL (thought I would acknowledge that its not the secret that gets transmitted).
  6. It might be more viable on custom configs "convert"ing from TrueNAS apps (that way it taps into the current pool of compatible work) and keep duplications to a minimum? Things like password mangers are products all in them selfs (and then clients like Mobile/Desktop, security, audit ect) thought Passbolt is listed 🙂 Out of interest, what other sort of applications did you have in mind? It might give the company ideas!
  7. The experience: users list in the deck, the list of applications with integrations next to it (to toggle access on/off), think authelia but with less config. Perhaps muti users would become a pain, prehpas login to the deck and TN ui would be separated but still that would be a very pleasant experience,
  8. Would it not make sense to start with what TrueNAS (SCALE) rolls with in truenas.com/apps (that way it taps into the current pool of compatible work) and keep duplications to a minimum? It seems there is more info here on TN community apps, prehpas a bit centralised but a more reliliant system to untrusted changes? That said it would be nice to see something similar to what Home Assistant has in the form of 'blueprints' (in essence, configurations easily deployed even if it is only docker configs in a trenchcoat 🐳🕵️‍♂️), that way it would be helpful when there might be a need to setup something local thats not yet in the catalog (thought you could dive into TN ui at that stage or even cl)?
  9. hdd


    I might have resorted to taking /search on the end to see if it hit the first time 😅 top right was my reflex. Its been a moment since I last meaningfully used an Invision bb Wouldn't it be grand if topic title also searched threads and provided dropdown links configured on a forum by forum basis. Still, less distractions the better especially given the influx.
  10. hdd


    Plus you can de-link the license and then relink to move it to different hardware so there is lots of flexibility 🙂
  11. hdd


    Just highlighting the contact link https://hub.hexos.com/contact/ since it would presumably be easer to see the request since your already signed into your account if not already used?
  12. I was surprised to see editing email addresses want enabled however if I were to guess perhaps it was to mitigate against people bulk buying and selling further down the line?... I'm likely over thinking that one 😅
  13. There was mention by one of their investors (Linus Sebastian) about their ideas and then skimmed the water of backup exchange or even talking in the forums and making a connection (if I rememebr). Interestingly Symform did something similar (before they were acquired by Quantum) but in a p2p 'cloud' style and (if I recall correctly) they broke up the locations + central orchestrated. That would appeal, but given the discounts AWS etc offer on very large storage customers it might be more cost effective to have a 1st party 'cloud' option. That said a client to run a destination appeals a lot more (or keys for a storage bucket etc)! Perhaps a partnership with Backblaze?
  14. Just getting an average user to purches a domain name and point the name servers is a challenge. A 'sub domain' option might be interesting but its funny how the draw of a custom domain is there and then the wider question of it thats the products target audience. I like the turn key reverse proxy and split horizon DNS without thinking abut the implementation 🙂
  15. Perhaps a middle ground, the use of a 'claim code' in combination with the current connection from the same IP? Though I acknowledge its all extra steps, keeping the separation seems like a nice way about it and it could always be pre-filled via a url parameter making it even simpler.
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