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Everything posted by Royalswan

  1. My main goal here is to have 1 server setup for storage of bulk media and a seperate server as downloader and transcoder. Ideally i'd like the apps installed on the downloader server to be able to push files to the storage server after being transcoded. At the moment the only way I see to do this is just install windows on the downloader server instead of HexOS. so i've currently got an unused license which would be great to get away from windows again
  2. To confirm. This does not work unfortunately. Setup correctly within Truenas however HexOS is showing incorrect data.
  3. I had bought HexOS so I wouldn't need to fiddle with Truenas anymore. I'll give it a go but would still prefer this be built directly into the software. Appreciate your reply. I've got another server with 15 x 18TB drives I need to setup too so might have to put HexOS on hold so i don't have to rebuild pools
  4. I have 24 x 20TB HHD's, when trying to create a pool i'm told I must start with 8 drives then expand later. It's rather slow both waiting for the interface and also going through 1 drive at a time expanding my storage. Please add feature to ignore 8 drive warning OR allow for multiple drive expanding
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