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Everything posted by stringtrain

  1. It's for folks who want a NAS to support their hobby rather than the NAS being their hobby.
  2. Yeah, it was a desperation move. There's just legitimately no way that I should be spending $99, and def can't $199. I know that I'm going to need this. And this was a now or never moment. I either get HexOS now, or forever be looking at it from the outside. I may have also been driven by the month long struggle that I'm in the middle of with my own NAS setup right now. I've known the pain in the pass, but is it again fresh and raw, lol. I had to cast aside shame and ask. I honestly wasn't expecting it to happen. There was no obligation on Jon's or HexOS' part. So, I was very surprised to see them thrown me a hail mary pass. Much love. ❤️
  3. I spoke too soon. I got the sale price. I have had an unexpected victory and acquired a HexOS license! So happy right now. The way it works: I received an email half an hour ago that told me I'd received $100 credit in my account here. Go through normal purchase process, but when you get to "How do you want to pay?" Choose Account Credit (not CC or Paypal). Proceed with the sale process, and it completes. Then you restart the sale process, this time you'll have the credit already applied, and choose CC or Paypal for the $99 payment. I used a one-time disposable CC number (from Revolut) and it worked fine.
  4. $199 is beyond my budget. Maybe I could stretch to $120, but I can't spend beyond that. I'm kicking myself for watching the LTT video eight hours too late. Really sucks. I PM'd the admin here and emailed support@hexos.com on the same day. Haven't heard back yet, but here's hoping. 🙂
  5. I'm in the same boat. I've been keen to know more about this ever since Linus first revealed he'd invested in a user-friendly NAS startup. I just saw the reveal and announcement video a little too late.
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