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Everything posted by Tamaluko

  1. Sorry guys. Just seeing this. Im so glad it worked for you @skywalker-2 I was literally in the same boat as you, I wasted hours trying to get Plex HW transcoding to work. I dont know what would you suggest @Dylan? Maybe make an Edit saying that others have reported the fix working without adding user 569? I have yet to try my fix without user 569 but I only have one Hex OS licence and man I sure would hate to re-re-restart my Plex server hahaha.
  2. Absolutely i totally agree something wonky is going on with permissions when installing Plex from the Hex OS UI. And it sounds like you didn't have to create a new user so that's even easier than what I did. One other thing I noticed was that when you install Plex from Hex OS under the aplications tab of True nas Plex only shows up as having one container in the Workloads section and if you install via TrueNAS it shows up with two container.
  3. I bought an intel ARC $99 card from Amazon and few days ago when I was trying to get hw transcoding to work. I just tested it today and can confirm it works just fine. I will be returning it though because I was able to get iGPU transcoding to work and that is plenty for my needs. For reference this is the intel ARC card i bought and confirmed to work.
  4. Thanks @Dylan I do however that is a diffrent issue that you solved. The error you describe iterally will not let you play any .mkv file on Plex as the codec to open the file is "missing" when in fact it is just needs to be re-named so Plex recognizes and opns it. That has been an issue that has plagued Plex users for a while here is a link to an old TrueNAS forum with that same issue. https://www.truenas.com/community/threads/plex-codec-issue.98186/ The OPs and my issue is with HARDWARE transcoding we want to use a GPU to help accelerate transcoding when Plex can't direct play your 4K to a device..... like your buddys TV that isn't 4K but 80% content is. You end up with super high CPU usage on your server and a ton of buffering on your client aka pissed off friend. Example one shows Plex not using HW transcoding but rather software transcoding. you know this is the case because "(hw)" is not displayed after the "Transcode" in the screenshot it even says its buffering inthe screenshot 😂🤣 I just noticed. Now in example two as you can see after the word Transcode "(hw)" appears EDIT: I just wanted to add this Plex Support page link Here. https://support.plex.tv/articles/115002178853-using-hardware-accelerated-streaming/ I looked at your log and from what it looks like the first line gives you some clues. Feb 22, 2025 12:56:33.275 [140265853979448] DEBUG - [Req#4b4f8b/Transcode] TPU: hardware transcoding: enabled, but no hardware decode accelerator found looks like you have it enabled but it cant find any GPU to hardware transcode with. If you look at my log before it would actually find my Harware decoder (GPU) and download the drivers but when it came to actually use the GPU the drivers would fail to start and gave the error OP and I posted above. Wich lead me to belive "Hey Plex can read and write to the directory but it can't execute in the directory" Maybe i just got lucky haha. I would really like for sombody to try the fix and see if it also works and helps them HW Transcode. Fingers crossed. Here are the logs
  5. Update: I got Intel iGPU HW decoding to work. I really do think this has to do with file/folder with permissions when installing from HexOS UI. I installed Plex (plex pass image) from the TrueNas Scale UI Setup the User ID and Group ID to 569 (becasue my original Plex install was using 568) Web Port 32401 (again becasue original Plex install was using 32400) Checked off "Host Network" Set up the Data, and Cofiguration Storage locations all as ixVolume (Dataset created automatically by the system) Setup Logs and Transcode Storage as Temporary (Temporary directory created on the disk) Add additional storage locations. In my case I only use Plex for Movies and TV shows so if you need Pictures, Videos, etc.. add those as well Type (Host path that already exists on the system) Mount Path /Movies Host Path /mnt/HDDs/Movies The make one for Shows Type (Host path that already exists on the system) Mount Path /Shows Host Path /mnt/HDDs/Shows select your options for CPU and Memody dont forget to check Passthrough available for (non Nvidia GPUs) Next we need to make a new User and Group in True NAS so navigate to Credentials then Users Name it whatever you want "Plex 2" in my case disable password UID 569 Uncheck Create New Primary Group Primary group select apps home directory /mnt/HDDs/Aplications I clicked ALL the permissions for Read Write and Execute Unclick SMB User Save Now we need to create a Group In TrueNAS navigate to Credentials then Groups GID 569 Add Local Administrator to the Privelages selection The Last thing we need to do is give our user and group 569 access to the SMB shares on TrueNAS Navigate to Datasets in TrueNAS then Movies click edit on the permissions button Now add Item Who is set to User User is set to whatever you named your User in the previous step. In my case it is "Plex2" it shoud be in the drop down list. under permissions select Full Control Click Apply permissions Recursively and confisr the selection then continue. Now add another item Who is set to Group Group is set to whatever you named your Group in the previous step. In my case it is "Plex2" it shoud be in the drop down list. under permissions select Full Control Click Apply permissions Recursively and confisr the selection then continue. Now click Save Access Control List. You should now be able to launch your Plex app and go toyour transcode settings, select your iGPU and transcode hapily ever after!! If this doesnt wor for you i would also try changing the permissions in the aplications forlder for your plex user. it is my understanding that inorder to transcode plex needs to be able to execute commands and unpack folders it downloads inorder to be able to HW transcode. but im not 100% sure.
  6. i agree aswell that would be very usefull.
  7. I also have this same problem but with Intel integrated graphics GPU could this also be the same issue? Plex recognizes the Intel iGPU and downloads the files but fails to actually use them when it comes time to transcode.
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