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  1. I love that! TO THE MOON!
  2. ooh, someone using the HL15! What do you think of it? ive been tempted by it. how do you compare it to that 846(is it?) below it?
  3. Ive shared Photos and 1 Min videos from the share function in Immich. Which is not what you really want but it would require similar setup. I use a reverse proxy to point to Immich and to handle the SSL Cert. The same setup could be done with Nextcloud though ive never used it myself Its one way of doing it.
  4. You can mix and match drives but each drive will only utilize as much as the smallest drive. Would be nice to use the sections of larger drives though.
  5. if it can be made to work in truenas it can be made to work... its just out of the box?
  6. That is what is says in the FAQ
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