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  1. I had a similar solution with 4 x 12tb to get off of my Synology. Everything besides the motherboard should be here tomorrow! Unfortunately my motherboard is delayed until Monday. But I was debating on leaving 4 drives empty for now in case I do have to wipe everything with 1.0. I hope that we can just update! A shame to leave $460 in drives sitting around waiting for the full release.
  2. Specifically points 1 and 5, I'm hoping to be able to disable some RGB that came with some of my components. And Probably unplug 2/4 of the included case fans, just leaving 1 in the front and 1 in the back.
  3. I just ordered my set up. I specifically chose the case and motherboard because of wanting to do 8+ drives. i5-2600k (Intel with igpu for Plex) 32GB TeamGroup Elite 5600mhz DDR5 (2x16GB) Asrock Z790 Pro RS (cheapest with 8 SATA ports) 1TB Silicon Power NVME boot drive 8 x 12TB HDDs (4 already in my Synology, 4 more to move data to temporarily before moving the originals to HexOS) DarkRock Classico case (10 3.5" plus 3 2.5" drive spots) Corsair RM750e PSU StarTech SATA splitters for powering the drives
  4. I originally had Google Domains for a custom email address. Then they sold everything to SquareSpace and I ended up getting a Synology NAS and redirecting directly to my Synology quickconnect ID through SquareSpace. Currently still using the Synology but now on Cloudfare with a base page set up through Github and using subdomains for my nephew's and mine. Mine will be redirected to my HexOS page when the time comes! https://www.daniels.love
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