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Everything posted by jjoshlin

  1. Please take the time to read this, they are only a UI of truenas they have no control of the root operating system. This is not my opinion or assertion it is fact. If you have watched any of the installation videos like the one by Lawrence systems, your start by installing truenas onto your machine, then logging into the hexos portal with a machine on the same network to see the trunas installation. Therefore its not HEXOS that will need to support lower ram, its the operating system vendor. I am sorry if this seems curt in any way, but you simply do not understand what hexos is providing. https://www.truenas.com/blog/powered-by-truenas-hexos/#:~:text=By leveraging the robust and,manage their own home servers.
  2. Do you understand hexos is not the base operating system? It is a management system for truenas. This is why I have stated more than once, its not on the hexos team to try and modify the base OS that would be a truenas dev team that would need to complete that task. It is the same with supporting ARM as old data center arm systems are aging out and hitting the gray market there is great horsepower at affordable pricing but the base OS does not support them. I don't raise requests with HEXOS team to support arm because they are not the ones tasked with coding for CPU support. By all means, go to truenas forum make the same post to support these older NAS boxes and I will 100% be behind you. Like I have stated I have several of these also, but I understand its not on this DEV team to support them.
  3. Since this person can not act mature i will post full context here. Truenas at its core and friends before it where built on the core principle of leveraging the ability of ZFS. HEXOS devs are not the ones who will rewrite/redesign truenas to run on this hardware. If a truenas rep wants one I even volunteered one for them to work with to make a "core" version that could be stripped down. Knowing this project is so young and has so many who are new to tech I'm trying to be concise and offer solutions that are within budget of most people. What's going to hurt this project is immature people that fell the need to insult and thump there chest. I want to see this a success and why I'm here trying to leverage my decades of experience to more novice people.
  4. I do not assume you have any experience with truenas, as you state turn off the services not in use. Most of the services are already off by default and a system with 8gb of ram will function. I have one currently that can pitch content to 2 systems via plex okay. The thing is ZFS will utilize any non dedicated system ram to optimize the storage. I would like to see a "truenas core" that only functions as an SMB share to support these older devices, but until then consider an SFF. Similar footprint, and power draw while having more resources and availability. A quick search found this one sub $100 shipped, that would enable you to use all of the features of HEXOS. https://www.ebay.com/itm/135409898635?_skw=i5+7th+gen+16gb+mid+tower&itmmeta=01JE79T776T6EMTTPK7AVTWJVZ&hash=item1f870f148b:g:wZUAAOSwqwtnJTq0&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKlG8EwDA6DG89Gx2uuGy2NejVPYpfBElw56nEk6hOxOkD6Fx1XIS33IK01uAJMHHWm9QM27%2BBBU8jN%2FcY4CkVTDorTmEkGThHkUJCO92Zl2fqRudLCioqtEK1Dqk%2FwKjWi3htJp%2BXF%2Blre5oQfdfVebvY1Hf0rVmzULshhf75hsjWHf5Pmn7v8cg4cRqaJ1062UHJKSWqguEfGYTwrzQnge7JW280UsN7i45eb2KiY1chvc8%2BjwuTos3sdWASEypjw%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR9zz6OnxZA
  5. I was not being sarcastic. I have several of the readynas devices still at my house in the dust pile. They were solid units 10 years ago but today they show their age. I do not discredit trying to keep gear out of the e-waste bin but you also have to be realistic about what time the DEV team has. Truenas isn't built to support them as much as I would like to see it; that is outside of the HEX team's scope. Step back and look at your scenario you want to build a low cost nas with 2 drives. In the LTT video they show doing that sub $100 before mass storage. Is it advisable for the dev's to delay other tasks that save yourself and maybe a dozen people $100 that are trying to reuse these old nas devices? Or would developing the feature set to edge the project closer to Alpha release be a better use of resources? You say you dislike lazy excuses, what have you done to work with trunas team to build support for older nas support? If they wanted one to test on, I would be willing to send it to them to dev with. Again none of that falls at HEXOS feet.
  6. with as cheap as ram is, why the fuss to support something so limited? IMHO this would be a waste of dev team's energy for a niche that very few have the need for. Most 1L systems from even 5 years ago came with 8gb.
  7. I know that iSCSi is typically more of an enterprise function, however, being that I am a sys admin (and all the hats really) by trade I already have it deployed at home. instead of my son's desktops wasting power for mass storage they both have a 1tb iSCSi drive with all of their game data and saves. I just bought the license as I have come into some hardware and looking to build a new NAS. This is not a must-have today, but hopefully, there will be support within the year. I would be happy to test and work with dev as I have access to a machine with beefy hardware that I do not have allocated yet.
  8. I hope there is either a transfer mechanism or a grace period.
  9. hopefully in the future truenas will dev support for ARM with the growing server community of gear that will be hitting the grey market on the refresh cycles soon. I have this device also, and found the loaded OS to be lacking. trying to setup ZFS has not been a pleasant experience.
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