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Nathan Samson

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Everything posted by Nathan Samson

  1. Yeah, I guess prices are generally higher in (western) europe... I guess wait till the tariffs hit 🙂
  2. Thanks for all the feedback. N5 Case ordered. Will order all other components when I get the shipping confirmation (probably in 3 weeks), Will take the 12500 under consideration as well (But Ill check prices when I order, I might jump to the Ultra 200 Series as you suggested earlier). What kind of problems? Linux compatabilities?
  3. One part I might have forgotten in the last calculation is cooling and (extra) fans or even AIO radiator. Its a bit unclear how many stock fans the case comes with (looks like 3 but its confusing). Question is, how much cooling (if no external GPU is being used) is needed for this setup. I would think stock cooler on the CPU, plus 3 including fans would do it? Even if I have to buy a couple of fans, that would not break the bank.
  4. Hi guys, thanks for the feedback. Couple of key takeways, and my thought process: Case: Yes Jonsbo N5 actually seems better. More motherboard support (ie ATX) + More drives, including 2.5 SSD's is actually a perfect fit. One problem, I can't seem to find many listings for it... The normal sites I buy tech do not list it (some of them do have the N3 though). But for my reference they have it here https://www.caseking.de/en/jonsbo-n5-nas-case-e-atx-black/GEJB-157.html (out of stock though) Uhm ok. I was under the impression that people favored AMD more now-adays, but that was my "looking for Gaming PC" bias probably... (thats another build for another day, for another forum) So yeah going intel looks the way forward, as indeed jellyfin with possibility to stream (reencoded) videos on the fly is the use case. (although in practice I don't need the reencoding at the monent) This is why I went with the one stick for upgradability. Going bigger case and ATX might throw this out of the window, as I can imagine myself now getting a 4 slot RAM solution, and putting 2 sticks in, still giving a path forward. So new (preliminary) spec list (and approx prices, having a quick look around couple of sites, probably can find cheaper if I spend a little bit more time searching) * Jonsbo N5 NAS case: 220 euros * Intel® Core i3-12100: 130 euros * ASUS PRIME B760-PLUS socket 1700 (140 euros, 2 PCI 16 slots, 4 SATA ports, seems to be good enough * RAM: 2x16GB DDR5-6000 = 32GB: 100 euros easy upgrade path to 4x16GB = 64GB I decided not to do 1x32GB for around the same price, having easy upgrade path to 128GB as I really doubt I need that. Even considering the 1GB per 1TB rule. Even if I reach 128 or more TB (with the 12 possible disks, not impossible), the 1GB per 1TB is probably a good rule of thumb for when you read a lot of data, but when 95+% of the data is rarely accessed I doubt it needs this much of RAM cache * Boot disk: < 50 euros * Power supply: Seasonic, or corsair 650W 80Gold plus < 100 euros. -- Not sure how overkill this is? CPU is supposed to be 65W, but 12 spinning hard disks will (theoratically) add some load? Which brings the total to 740, in budget and with better upgrade path... Although I might need to include the HBA card for extra SATA slots (although realistically I had that cost with my previous plan as well). Any (obvious) stupid ideas with this plan?
  5. Just for clarification, HexOS license is not included in my cost calculation 🙂
  6. Hi I've built my first homelab NAS based on a INTEL Nuc I had lying around + Icybox Disk enclosure connected via USB (https://icybox.de/product/externe_speicherloesungen/IB-3780-C31) I want to build a second system and have this set of requirements A) Based on new hardware, and not something I have lying around (does not need to be latest-gen specifically, but I don't want to buy second hand, or use 3 or 4 generation back CPU's etc.. --- just personal preference) B) Something not based on USB (I've read somewhere this is not recommended) C) Not something too expensive (<850euro's ideally, without storage - but including boot disk) - flexible budget here. D) Must support up to 8 disks (might not use them all in the beginning) E) Not something too high end. Might store it in the office, but mostly used as off-site backup for my home-NAS. Might run a VM or 2. F) Must have some expansion options. IE If I decide to put more load on it, replace CPU + add memory + maybe even add dedicated GPU for encoding needs to be a possibilty I've looked into it and I am thinking around this * Case: Jonsbo N3 https://www.jonsbo.com/en/products/N3.html (Supports 8 disks, ITX form factor) - 160 euros * AM5 platform. Looking at this CPU AMD Ryzen 5 7600 / Ryzen 5 8500G - 200 euros. Probably overkill, but as I said before I don't want to run too old hardware. I want to be able to use this NAS in 5-6 years time, and be able to use it for more. * 16 GB RAM (1 x 16GB so upgrade path to 32GB) - Probably overkill, but not huge cost - 60 euros * Powersupply: Not looked too deep yet, but around 150 euros max I would say (500-650 W) * Boot disk: SSD M2. Lets throw in another 50 euros. Which leaves me with around 230 euros for a motherboard. Question now is, what do I need to lookout for a motherboard, given I want to connect 8 disks to it. From what I can see on my search (knowing little to nothing about motherboard specs), its quite hard to find a motherboard that might support this many disks. So any suggestions for an AM5 compatible motherboard, that is not too expensive, but still would support this use case? What do I need to lookout for, ie SATA ports, (do I need 8??), do I need to look at PCI slots? (I guess one for the possible graphics card at least?) Am I stupid for going with AM5, should I use AM4 (seems to have slightly more options, might also reduce price of CPU, but feels too old generation wise to me)
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