sorry for the duplicated thread, I realized this would be a better place to put it...
This took a while, and I want to just try to restate it from memory.
-A Domain (That you can change the name servers of i.e namecheap)
-A host (I used Github pages, ymmv with other providers or self hosting)
-Cloudflared (Can be downloaded through trueNAS)
I just want to get out this information because its worked really well for me.
You want to use this networkchuck video to get cloudflared setup, when you click the docker option you can just copy the auth token part of the command and copy it to the trueNAS setup.
Then you want to setup your github pages using this video.
With this things have become so much simplier, i can easily access the plex and immich that im hosting on hexos. setting up immich on iOS means instead of typing out an IP with a port i can enter immich, and ive actually made a webpage for with links for all of this so if im ever on a new device its so simple. I hope yall find this as useful as i have.
and if anyone could make a better in-depth guide be my guest, I'd like there to be one that doesn't neccisarily rely on youtube videos that could be taken down.