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  1. specs are in my previous show and tell post 🙂
  2. was throwing out my old lian li O11 when i realized it could be my new server chasis, big upgrade from the hp prodesk it started out as... same specs but a lot more zip ties and cardboard. fans are touch aqua, case was gutted. another new improvement is i can unplug the hard drive power supply! before it was buried in the case
  3. sorry for the duplicated thread, I realized this would be a better place to put it... This took a while, and I want to just try to restate it from memory. Prereqs: -A Domain (That you can change the name servers of i.e namecheap) -A host (I used Github pages, ymmv with other providers or self hosting) -Cloudflared (Can be downloaded through trueNAS) I just want to get out this information because its worked really well for me. https://youtu.be/ey4u7OUAF3c?si=1FdVMGuXJts5OTu_ You want to use this networkchuck video to get cloudflared setup, when you click the docker option you can just copy the auth token part of the command and copy it to the trueNAS setup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AgT4NHeg58 Then you want to setup your github pages using this video. With this things have become so much simplier, i can easily access the plex and immich that im hosting on hexos. setting up immich on iOS means instead of typing out an IP with a port i can enter immich,mydomain.com and ive actually made a webpage for mydomain.com with links for all of this so if im ever on a new device its so simple. I hope yall find this as useful as i have. and if anyone could make a better in-depth guide be my guest, I'd like there to be one that doesn't neccisarily rely on youtube videos that could be taken down.
  4. I highly reccomend using tailscale its so much simpler imo. You just set it up on your phone or whatever, get the auth key. Install it via TrueNAS in HexOS, and input that auth key. and youre good. any questions lmk
  5. hell yeah make sure to send me some pics, love jank computers.
  6. Theres the one at the the top right, one under it poking out to the left, and one in the bottom by the power supplies.
  7. most of its stupid oem hp stuff, but it was free. i7-8700 24gb ram (1x8gb + 1x16gb) GTX 960 Random 400 some watt Silverstone SFX PSU, w/ the 180w OEM HP one 3x4tb seagate terascale drives from ebay HP oem mobo hp oem case
  8. I really need to get a new motherboard, using one of those stupid weird shaped HP OEM with external IO on board, and I can't put it in a real case, stuck with the mini-atx HP one where ive got hard drives duct taped in (ToT) (pics on profile if you wanna see the carnage). What are you gonna use it for?
  9. My gf was was getting rid of her old pc, so i got it from her. Forced 3x4tb seagate terascale HDDs into it. 24gb of ram, 8gb HP ram, 16gb Trident Z neo. 256gb ssd, GTX 960 i got from the landfill. Core i7-8700, and a SFX Silverstone PSU to power the hard drives and the graphics card
  10. There was an LTT video on a photo nas like 5 years ago, forgot which case they used
  11. I wanna know if old GPUs could cause issues, I have a 970 I scavenged from the landfill i'd like to use...
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