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  1. I have transmission installed as a custom app and on the HexOS Dash it just shows it as iX App. It would be great if HexOS could just pull the application name and if I am able to change the App Thumbnail HexOS should pull that over too.
  2. It would be great if we could get text message alerts sent out instead of email alerts. This isn't supported by TrueNAS but it seem like the workaround is to use an app called Pushover and have TrueNAS send an email to the app which then alerts you on your phone. So in absence of text message alerts I think integrating with Pushover could be cool. It also seems like Pushover has some really cool features like repeatedly sending notifications until you acknowledge and message retry where it confirms the messages were successfully sent.
  3. @Theo I just set up my UPS in TrueNAS and it looks like HexOS is sending alerts to you because I got this message from HexOS when doing some testing. Additionally in the TrueNAS alert settings it looks like some stuff is already configured. Alert from nas: Communication with UPS ups lost. UPS Statistics: 'ups' Statistics could not be recovered
  4. Just discovered that after enabling the recycle bin I had to restart the server in order to actually get the folder to appear. So if you don't see the ".recycle" folder restart your server, hopefully that will fix it.
  5. Completely in support of a separate tutorial section. The only thing I think you need to watch our for would be people making multiple tutorials, to solve this you could make the title a search on the Tutorial section so the user can see if the topic was already covered and hopefully they would just add to that specific post if needed, instead of making a whole new post. I would also, be cautious of any sort of incentivization that makes it like a contest, this might encourage duplicate tutorials or poorly written ones; that said I do think a badge could be cool. Another call out would be to build something like an archive for out of data tutorials, if enough people vote that a tutorial is out of date it would be archived so we are not confusing new users. The issue with documentation is that is has to be maintained and no one likes documentation (or does it) so I think this would be critical in keeping the tutorial section clean. This system would allow some sort of community regulation and to prevent abuse maybe when the post is flagged X number of times it gets sent to mods for review before being archived; ideally this would keep the management time spent on it small so it's not pulling resources from other more important things.
  6. I will be having family use my server for backing stuff up and as we all know end users always end up accidently deleting things and then wanting them back. Luckily, TrueNAS has a recycle bin option and hopefully HexOS can add it in one day as a setting that can just be turned on. For anyone who finds this and wants to do it, here are the steps: Set up the folder in the HexOS UI and then in the TrueNAS UI go to: Shares > Click edit on the SMB you want to add the recycle bin too > Purpose = No Presets > Click Advanced Options > Scroll to Other Options > Check Export Recycle Bin Then you will want to set up a job to automatically empty your recycle bin: Navigate to Chron Jobs in the TrueNas UI (just search for it but it's under System > Advanced Settings). Click add then you can either enter this into the command field as ONE LINE or save it to a file find /mnt/HDDs/FOLDER/.recycle/* -atime +30 -delete; find /mnt/HDDs/FOLDER/.recycle/* -depth -type d -empty -delete; If you want to test to see what files will be deleted with this command run it without the "-delete" If you save it to a file (like I did) you will enter this as the command. sh /mnt/HDDs/PATH_TO_FILE/empty_recycle_bin.sh Then just fill out the description, run as truenas_admin, and how often you want it to run and you are good to go. Hope this helps and hopefully it can just be a 1 click type of setup in the future!! P.S. Here is what the commands do: The first command searches for files and directories in /mnt/HDDs/FOLDER/.recycle/ that have not been accessed in the last 30 days and deletes them. The second command searches for empty directories in /mnt/HDDs/FOLDER/.recycle/ and deletes them. Also commands were stolen from here
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