I've been running TrueNAS on a Mac Pro 2013 since 05/2020 (it was FreeNAS then). First FreeNAS, then TrueNAS Core and finally migrated to TrueNAS Scale.
The machine has 128 GB of ECC RAM (used), a 12 core/24 thread CPU (used, only $70), a SonnetTech PCI breakout box with an Intel X520-DA2 networking card & Supermicro AOC-SHG3-4M2P for M.2 (both cards used). HDDs are connected with an OWC ThunderBay 4 via Thunderbolt 2. It's a gangly beast and uses too much power but it works very reliably.
It can be done, at least on Intel based hardware.
What does not work is attaching a GPU to an app for transcoding but the last time I looked it was more an issue that the machine had two identical GPUs.
And yes, for the price, it would be wonderful if a Mac Mini M4 worked.