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  1. Here's what I'm seeing for idle (of the first few cores). My machine is not known for saving power... I wanted lots of cores for running VM's & containers. Im running an ancient Intel Xeon E5-2697V2 but it does have a ton of threads (if a bit slow by modern standards).
  2. I'm not familiar with powertop. Is there something specific I could look for?
  3. My experience is that TrueNAS, really, REALLY, does not like creating pools with different sized disks. At least not straight out of the box.
  4. So, this is in my TrueNAS Scale box that never sleeps... I'm using a Supermicro AOC-SHG3-4M2P (3.0 x8 but full height since 4 M.2 slots) specifically because my motherboard does NOT bifurcate. It's used, was cheap and just works.
  5. I've been running TrueNAS on a Mac Pro 2013 since 05/2020 (it was FreeNAS then). First FreeNAS, then TrueNAS Core and finally migrated to TrueNAS Scale. The machine has 128 GB of ECC RAM (used), a 12 core/24 thread CPU (used, only $70), a SonnetTech PCI breakout box with an Intel X520-DA2 networking card & Supermicro AOC-SHG3-4M2P for M.2 (both cards used). HDDs are connected with an OWC ThunderBay 4 via Thunderbolt 2. It's a gangly beast and uses too much power but it works very reliably. It can be done, at least on Intel based hardware. What does not work is attaching a GPU to an app for transcoding but the last time I looked it was more an issue that the machine had two identical GPUs. And yes, for the price, it would be wonderful if a Mac Mini M4 worked.
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