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  1. I've been up for building a new server chassis build for this OS but I don't know what to use I want a really powerful hexos server What CPU motherboard combination should I go for I have a threadripper on the shelf but I feel like that eats too much power for a server Would love to build with epic but I don't know if you can get those cheap enough on the second hand market yet !! Nor do I understand those motherboards Anyone on here recommend some really high-end really powerful hardware for multi 4K Plex streams and hitting the nass with 10 gig transfers of lots of 4K and 6K uncompressed video files straight out of cinema cameras
  2. Will the upload task be multi-threaded? This was a big issue with true nas we had a 2 GB symmetrical fiber link and dual high core count CPUs in the server yet the upload to our back blaze B2 bucket was a crawl The folks over at 45 drives never could figure out how to get it to go faster and basically said that's as fast as OS will let it upload
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