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Everything posted by Zizuar

  1. 3 different network storage machines? I hope at least one is totally off-site where you simply store backups. Data redundancy is important, but if they are all on the same network the entire set is vulnerable to malicious attacks. Only mention it because it sounds like a worst-case scenario you're planning for, and if so this needs to be a link in your chain.
  2. If I had the time right now I would probably give a proxmox setup a fun go. Other than some virtual windows servers at the office that used to house our on-prem CRM I've never really played with virtual machines. Think it would be a fun change.. Just have wayyy too many projects I'm behind on atm. 😞
  3. Out of curiosity then, what are you planning on using Hex for? Just simple network attached storage w/ raid failover availability? It almost sounds redundant with what you have running on the side there.
  4. Are you running all of these docker container apps natively in the Ubuntu VM? I'm just curious if your Ubuntu VM and HexOS VM are separate side-by-side systems or if you were able to get the TrueNAS version of the VM to play nice in Hex? I'm assuming since you're running Prox it's the former rather than the latter. If so, do you have a plan to easily migrate all those apps if/when the time comes? I suppose that means rather than the native apps coming to Hex in the future you'll be spinning up Docker or a layered VM when that becomes an option.. Also.. if it will be a layered VM how do you intend to combat the resource negotiations and network hurdles that often comes with nesting virtual environments? Thanks.. sounds like you're off to a great start!
  5. Glad you got it resolved. You should be able to change the IP address manually through Hex on the dashboard.. of course you would need to be able to access the server via deck in the first place to do it which was why I made the suggestion to revert everything to the old IP. Either way, sorry I wasn't able to be more helpful.
  6. Not that this shouldn’t be something that Hex updates automatically on network changes or config updates, but another thing you can do is take the original IP and permanently assign it to your sever via your dhcp. This way also ensures that your modem/router doesn’t periodically assign the server an alternate ip as well.
  7. Most non-professionals probably aren't familiar with High Availability.
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