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  1. was looking through the playstore last night hoping i'd be late to discover it lol
  2. anyone managed to set up a minecraft server through hexos yet ?
  3. +1, doubt it will take too long
  4. i think this one is up there with jellyfin on the to do list.
  5. this probably isnt on top of the to do list though 😛
  6. what fixed it for me was re creating my pool but through truenas instead.
  7. yes, that solved it for me aswell
  8. Vroar


    its on top of the list apparently.
  9. I keep getting Server error - please try again later My network settings are fine, i've reinstalled twice now but still no succes. anyone managed to fix this ?
  10. Core i5-11600K for intel or Ryzen 5 5600X AMD
  11. i think pretty much any model will work. the question is what are u going to use the system for?
  12. Vroar

    GPU Passthrough

    Don't you need a plex pass for hardware transcoding ?
  13. i guess using one of those plugs is the only way. unfortunately most of those aren't very accurate
  14. Can someone explain to me in detail how to change your system once your license is bound to specific hardware? I'd like to beta test on a different system and make the migration to my main server once i find everything runs decent. do i have to contact support or is there some button to click to unlink my hardware? thanks.
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