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  1. @MaLiXs I recommend you using my mentioned instruction guide. It works well and If you want you can later replace it with the offical App.
  2. Yeah, there no bugs in BugO....I mean HexOs, there are only many feature which some of them not even the devs know XD
  3. Rocking my 1998 Audi TT 8n 1.8T with a slightly better tune to 230 (theoreticly 290 but obviously I dont drive it like that cause it wouldnt be road legal 😉) Tho it looks nice its a moneypit....had to replace dampers etc für the TÜV recently and now my Air volume sensor is gone, had to plug it out so I can drive it until I have money for a new one. My real baby is my Yamaha R1 RN04 which is modded to be a nakedbike. It drives really well and gear ratio is shortend to a 14/45. I got it for 2k and it was defenetly worth it so far. I hope I'll get my first TÜV with it next year....
  4. hahahaha.....you had luck in live but got bamboozled by a beta Nas system which doesnt has the base feature of custom raids (I still wonder how they got away with that XD)
  5. Yes I know that but its still frustrating that base features like custom Raids arent in there and that features like jellyfin from truenas, smth that worked in standalone, doesnt work properly....I dont expect a beta software to have perfect fuctioning plus featues or even perfect functioning base features, but I do expect that most of the base features work mostly and features which existed beforehand are working, specially if there a features app. And all in all im not mad about the people who develop it, they have a cool Idea and working hard, but im frustrated that they achived to made base features worse than truenas was (example: I get regular mails that my pool is broken, which isnt the case, and after checking the only thing which is broken is the NFS config...it works but it seems to doesnt know that)
  6. If GPU support is needed, try version: '3.8' services: jellyfin: image: jellyfin/jellyfin:latest container_name: jellyfin runtime: nvidia # Enables NVIDIA runtime for hardware acceleration deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - capabilities: [gpu] # Access to the GPU for transcoding volumes: - /mnt/HDDs/media/config:/config # Configuration and metadata storage - /mnt/HDDs/media/movies:/media # Media directory ports: - 8096:8096 # HTTP - 8920:8920 # HTTPS (optional) environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin # Set timezone - NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all # Expose all GPUs to the container - NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,video,utility restart: unless-stopped networks: - jellyfin_network # Custom network networks: jellyfin_network: driver: bridge
  7. Hey @flat4vw I got it to work. I ignored HexOs and TrueNas, made a Portainer Service and then added the jellyfin as stack like: version: '3.8' services: jellyfin: image: jellyfin/jellyfin:latest container_name: jellyfin volumes: - /mnt/HDDs/media/config:/config # Configuration and metadata storage - /mnt/HDDs/media/movies:/media # Media directory ports: - 8096:8096 # HTTP - 8920:8920 # HTTPS (optional) environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin # Set timezone restart: unless-stopped networks: - jellyfin_network # Custom network networks: jellyfin_network: driver: bridge IMPORTANT: You have to create a public share called "media" with the individual folders ("config" and "movies") inside of it. Change the timezone if needed. Maybe this will help you if you encounter similar issues with it.
  8. dont hope for that, im trying to get it to work for 3 days now and this evening I finally give up....You can follow any documentation, video or setup guide, you will only collect bugs and weird fragments of your tries wich break other stuff. Use Plex (alltough it is add infested and costs a fortune), it seems to work for most of the people (didnt tried it yet, will tomorrow)
  9. @flat4vw the worst thing is that im a software developer in germany, I should be able to frickin setup jellyfin. I use docker daily... I hoped to have finally a easy solution for all the home stuff so I dont have to make everything from scratch in my freetime cause of weird bugs, I guess it could be that there is a OS for that but HexOs isnt currently
  10. @flat4vwI recommend you waiting until you setup your hex server, at least dont put any important data on it. Luckily I backed up everything I put on there also somewhere else but if I hadnt I would have lost a huge amount of data due to diffrent bugs where you cant do anything against it.
  11. I also tought of tring out plex, but the payments everywhere is what I hate with plex...
  12. Ok thanks @flat4vw, at least I feel a bit less dumb now XD Since using HexOs im fulltime fighting with very weird bugs like that (also have a directory which is undeletable etc)....
  13. @flat4vwthe usually mount /mnt and done But I get a error and for me /mnt is also empty which shouldnt be cause in /media is a also a folder
  14. Does anyone know how it works?
  15. I currently have issues with jellyfin I have my movies in Media And I want it to add to my jellyfin but the path avalible are Where is the Media folder???? Thats the storage config in the truenas overlay
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