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  1. Sounds good, s if the pc dies, and If my new hardware is compatible, I oucld stuff my old hard drives in and access. If it is anew hexos install on a new pc, then I drop my old drive pool, will it detect and import them? all metadata is on the drives themselves? Or no? Obviously, I will keep backup my my OS drive too but I just want to know all the recovery options, worst case it all dies but the datya drives are all perfect.
  2. Fantastic! I hope to never need it, but I want it there for sure!
  3. I saw in the FAQ where you said the reasons why local config is not needed, with ideas of internet outages etc not being aproblem. But this misses the point. For one, this was promised as a SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE tha it would come eventualy, no rush no problem, on Linus Tech Tips. One of the reasons why I bought it so fast. But more importantly, if your company ever goes bankrupt, that is why we need access. Of if you have DDOS attack or any number of reasons your servers are not accessible, but mostly, if you close down shop. Truenas is free, we bought your software so we the noobs and power users can use it. Understand where I am coming from, I don't intent to EVER use the local config interface when you make one. But it needs to be there for this reason. And by all means, NO RUSH! For sure get all the awesome important features implemented, I can wait. But I implore you to put a "yes for sure in the future: Checkmark on this. I was kind of stunned after the Linus Tech video saying it is coming for sure later, then in the FAQ hearing you saig IF, and it's not needed....
  4. If mY PC dies, my hexos pc, and the drives are full of data, can I make a new HexOS and just plug the old drives in and they wil detect and be ready to go right again? Or how to do this? I need to know before I commit how to handle this eventuality will deifnitely WIL happen sometime in future.
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