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  1. Yeah the more I browsed on Amazon I noticed I could get a Patriot Memory 128GB ssd for 13 bucks... So I'll probably just get a pair of those and mirror them. If one fails I'll replace it with something fancier. But I might try the USB drive anyways now just out of curiousity. I'll report back with findings, for SCIENCE!
  2. Appologies if this has been covered but can't find it yet (or maybe the answer is so obvious no one's needed to ask? 😅). Would I be able to use a flash drive as the boot drive? I'm assuming I'd need a second for the install media. I understand this isn't a good idea for a number of reasons, but I plan to add a second (actual) SSD as mirror boot drive later
  3. I bought this primarily so I could continue to advance my Plex library because I'm sick of things I like dissappearing and now you have to have 5+ streaming services. I'm REALLY pumped about the Immich support because I wanted a good picture backup solution. Tailscale support would be really excellent. Not sure if there's an existing app for this but a self-served password manager would be pretty nifty.
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