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  1. It is not tied 🙂 Instructions should be in the email.
  2. This would be cool for sure but @Julian is right it would be limited to truenas hardware specs.
  3. Good catch! Not sure how I did not notice that. I figured it would be a Linux distribution was just curious which one. That is a good inference for sure! Thanks.
  4. I was wondering what OS distro is being used underneath the hood? I can only assume it's a fork of a specific distro bundled with truenas and a custom UI.
  5. I have not gotten my access key yet so i cant confirm 100% but from what I have seen I don't think it made it into the beta version. I am sure it will make it sooner or later seeing as how hexos is essentially a truenas wrapper. In the meantime just login into truenas and configure one until they add it to the GUI.
  6. Would you find it useful to have a built in way to setup an api for pushing and pulling data?
  7. Region has no affect at least in the current state since current implementation is only local network. However, in the future I think the plan is to add wiregaurd/openvpn support with respective wrappers like tailscale so there should not be any affect. Keep in mind hexos is local self hosting os so there can't be any network restrictions unless imposed by ISP which you should be able to overcome if any with vpn protocols when support is introduced.
  8. Hexos mobile app in the plans?
  9. I don't see why you cant just partition and switch from os to os without having to use virtualization. The only use case for vm's is if you want to run in parallel.
  10. Tailscale is based on wiregaurd... tailscale has a pretty in depth comparison of the 2 on their website, so I think it's safe to say their comparable and there are things that openvpn can do that tailscale can't. Here is the comparison if you are interested.
  11. I think openvpn is the way to go... no?
  12. How feasible would it be to have a commuity section apps of the app store. Where commuity trusted members can upload apps. We could potentially leverage the ranking system to determine what ranking allows for upload. Not sure what the security ramifications are.... I am sure there would need to be some sort of approval process and maybe/probably some sort app checker to verify source code. I also understand some documentation would need to be published to assist in developing for the OS. Let me know what you think 🤔
  13. +1 at least 2FA for sure.
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