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  1. To add onto this, it would be nice to have remote system monitoring. I know HexOS currently has some of the system reporting that TrueNAS Scale does, but it would be nice to be able to change some settings and have more or less system monitoring. By system monitoring, I mean the reporting page of TrueNAS where you can see the uptime, network usage, memory usage, and so on. If would just be nicer to get that in a easier to navigate UI. UI kind of like task manager, where it isn't annoying to change between different system parts you're monitoring.
  2. Hi @boop. To add onto your idea, it would be nice to have a benchmarking app of sort to stress test the system. Then after the app is completed, it could make suggestions on what to improve, locating bottlenecks, or steps to fix system crashes. I've known I've had an issue with my system for a while because it crashes and I only recently figured it out. I have 2 CPU slots on my server, and I couldn't figure out what the issue was until I connected to the server via DisplayPort and found out that the system was trying to use CPU 1 when there was no CPU installed into CPU 1. So a log that is easily accessible would be nice to have, so that next time the system boots up and is able to be connected, the source of the issue can be isolated more easily.
  3. As it has mentioned before, a local or offline version of HexOS is planned to be released at the HexOS 1.0 release. It would be nice if there would be a settings page to change what can be viewed and what can be modified. A couple of examples: I could want the whole system to run HexOS offline entirely. I could want to be able to monitor system health and performance, but only be able to install apps on local network only. I could want to be able to only shutdown or restart the system from the local network only. There could be a number of different variations to this, so having a settings page for what can be viewed and what can be modified would be better than preset settings. This settings page could even be toggled between anytime cloud access (similar to access to HexOS Command Deck), local network only, or even plugged into the system to change these settings. This would allow people who want a offline or local option of HexOS to have the option to view how their system is doing remotely even if they don't want the HexOS Command Deck to be able to control their system. Let me know what you guys think.
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