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  1. ceinewydd


    They aren't really equivalent, Wireguard vs. OpenVPN would be an apples to apples conversation. Anyway, +1 for Tailscale, it's amazing and having it easily work with HexOS is a must.
  2. I see a ton of creators like TechnoTim using a ZimaCube to get their HexOS Beta running. I think Tim's got the ZimaCube Pro Creator Pack based on what I saw in his video. I understand HexOS is trying to work well on anything TrueNAS supports which is a vast, vast collection of hardware, but is the HexOS team thinking about either: 1. Formalizing the list of supported/tested hardware they know works well into a HexOS Hardware Compatibility List. 2. Partnering with one or a small set of companies, like maybe Zima, so we can buy something like a ZimaCube and have it guaranteed to work awesome with HexOS? https://shop.zimaboard.com/collections/zimacube-series/products/zimacube-pro-creator-pack
      • 1
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  3. ceinewydd


  4. In the v1.0 sense are customers going to be able to operate this fully offline? No usage of Command Deck? No "cloud tie"? A manual way to pull updates down and sneakernet them over on a flash drive to perform updates? An offline way to do licensing activation with a challenge/response pattern? Or is the goal for HexOS to always be a 'connected' product, needs to be able to talk back to your servers to work?
  5. Are there any resources out there already, or thinking happening, about what the Command Deck will be able to do in remote management terms? Is it going to be able to delete pools and data? Will it be able to search file names? Deep indexing and be able to search file contents? How's all that going to interplay with the planned support for Encryption that Magnus posted about elsewhere in the forums? If yes to any or many of these scenarios, it's obviously pretty important that Customer A never get access to Customer B's accounts (thinking of the way Ubiquiti has had security issues before - https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ubiquiti-users-report-having-access-to-others-unifi-routers-cameras/), and I'd therefore be curious about what the HexOS team is planning to do in terms of penetration tests, other security initiatives like negative testing coverage in your source code, will you be adding any specific compliance objectives to the roadmap, etc?
  6. ceinewydd


    Is HexOS thinking about supporting dRAID for larger topologies? I know the width is currently fixed, but does the team have an opinion on larger pools? When saying "larger", I'm specifically thinking of >=60 drive pools?
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