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About ShadowLeRawr

  • Birthday 02/21/1996

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  1. OH COME ON :V SOME ONE DID SOMETHING i just happen to just reinstall HexOS and OH LOOK HexOS Can finally read *glares at the devs*
  2. So i have jumped though so many rabbit holes and have come to the conclusion that my Raid Card is NOT HBA hex OS will not work if you have a Dell PERC 5/i Raid Card, there is no way to flash it into IT Mode your best hopes is to find a better raid card or better hardware.
  3. I’d consider this an unofficial thread unless the mods/admins/owners pin it to make it official. 😄 The main reason I started this thread is that I know some people have servers capable of running HexOS but have since upgraded to better equipment. As a result, they’ve discontinued using their old NAS servers and might just want to get rid of them, etc., etc.
  4. Got old tech junk you want to get rid of this is the forum for you 😛
  5. Lets see, Furries Run The Internet and Your Heathcare System
  6. So i decided to create a Telegram Chat for HexOS https://t.me/+skDA8CZJ3003Y2Nh Hope this is okay :3
  7. The reaction i give to Server Room Spaghetti
  8. this is my order number since they are using increasing numbers.
  9. Regardless of Torrent Software you use or Media system you use to host movies The ability to choose what ever Torrent Software use use automatically mounts to what ever Media system you use IE qbittorent to plex (Movie, TV, Music) etc etc
      • 1
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  10. YESSS Steam Cashing would be amazing to have since i do alot of gaming and what not accross several devices Steam Sync would be very helpful~~
  11. Why Not OwnCloud as well ? https://owncloud.com/compare-filesharing/owncloud-vs-nextcloud/
  12. :3 Thanks :3
  13. i used to use Piwigo as my photo management.
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