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  1. OH... That's a problem... I do have a wifi extender with ethernet port, but still... Maybe I'll have to move the position of the router to where I plan the server, and move the extender into the house?
  2. I read similar things about the GPUs, and I had the spare 1660 sitting around.
  3. The RAM issue for minecraft makes sense - I'll have to check back in on that minecraft with the kids to see if that's actually something they want - but for media streaming, is the 16 gigs sufficient? Edit to add: I've also heard that the encoder provided by Nvidia is superior, even if the cards themselves would otherwise not be as proficient at gaming as their AMD counterparts. Is that something to consider between my two options?
  4. I've thought about the ehternet over power potential before, and it's something to think about, as wife-approval-factor for the server being near the router in the center of our house is likely to be low.
  5. I do have the 3700x already (from my old gaming rig that got updated). Thanks for the other notes, though. I might be able to get the build near my router to wire it, but the original plan was to have it near a wifi extender further away from the router.
  6. I had some spare parts laying around, and supplemented with some new adds - amd 3700x - Rog Strix b550-wifi f mobo - 16 gb ddr4 3200 ram - 1660 Super (also have spare amd 6600 lying around) - 1x 256 gb nvme (planned for boot) - 1x 1TB nvme (planned for... something?) -5x 4TB HGST NAS HDDs (renewed from Amazon) My initial plan was using the server for media streaming (primarily), along with photo and document storage. Secondarily, I'd like to add other functionality (either light server hosting for video games like Minecraft, with the family, or smart home integration/security cam integration). My first concern is the setup - Do I need to hardwire the build to the router or will wifi 6 connectivity suffice? My second concern is the Hardware - How much RAM do I actually need for my intended purpose(s)? Which of my video cards are better suited for the purpose? Will my CPU suffice? With 4 people in the house, it's unclear how many streams we'd be running simultaneously (I'd guess 2 or 3 at most). Will my hardware suffice for 4k? Are there any other concerns I'm missing with my proposed setup?
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