totally open query... looking for thoughts... i do this kind of thing all the time on generic linux installs were i have some overbuilt server and i've obviously put way to many nics into aforementioned servers and workstations and then i have to instantiate a use case for seed unnecessary nics and i don't seem to be keen on wasting nics or there implied bonded bandwidth on redundancy and yada yada on and on and needless to say over the years i have built out an overkill 100GB QSFP local network (not trying to justify my own misbehavior here, BUT this has proven to be remarkably useful in instantiating a pooled stupidly fast kind of "ramdisk" across an entire home that can be accessed as if its local on any workstation equipped with the capacity at these speeds via iscsi... so ya, one can image the use cases for such a pain in the a$$ of a feature iv and a sfp+ 10gb local network and a sometimes disappointingly unreliable copper 10gb local network that chains up to a 2.5gb level that is a subgroup of a 1GB gateway up to a only 1GB service lol... i'm looking to utilize some of this nonsense of a spiders nest of fiber and copper iv unjustifiably ensnared myself in... 😛
ya i'm definitely in over my head considering i've never successfully deployed a base truenas scale install, just always used generic linux distros lol...
I fear I'm encouraging feature creep here... plz tell me if this is the case or is some kind of "soft" switching fairly common in off the shelf NAS solutions... idk it's been so long since i've needed to mess with them... i think the last one i had was a 4TB WD my cloud that literally only had a 100MB nic and that was top of the line at that time lol...
totally off topic but kind of related... i'm not as much excited about the truenas base except for ACLs... ya linus from LMG mentioned that as well in there coverage of this future product and coming from a "using generic GUI linux distros for server purposes" kind of guy this is EXACTLY the thing i am most in need of a solution for lol... and maybe unity on the systemd vs openrc front... idc which but some clarity is all i ask lol
i think at the end of the day, for me and i suspect a lot of people many if not most of these "nice to have" features will be satisfied by us going into the truenas interface and implementing them ourselves and this will simply be a very compelling "foot in the door" and for that even tho i have yet to even test this beta on my own i'm still stoked at the prospect... lol
o and i know i cant spell or punctuate to save my life, i'm in my mid thirties and i haven't remediated this known quality yet so plz refrain from roasting me on this... keep the critiques relative to the query,,,thanks