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  1. In the end HexOS turned into more of a TrueNAS installer for me. I don't know if that saved me a ton of time and hassle, or if it was more like an hour worth of following a guide instead, but either way getting up and running was very painless. After that, I can't think of a thing HexOS has actually fully supported without needing to pop into TrueNAS. Not even the health status in HexOS can be trusted, which is stil baffling to me. I've been saying I feel it was launched very prematurely, and I maintain that. I'm hoping that it was because they desperately needed cashflow, in which case HexOS could turn out well in the end. If, on the other hand, they felt it was in good shape to launch to early adopters, I would be much less optimistic. Time will tell. I've gotten the NAS to a state where it does the job now, without having done anything to break or confuse HexOS (at least that I can see), so I'm just using it now and seeing what the future brings. It might be HexOS, it might be shedding HexOS and just going pure TrueNAS. In a sense you could say I've shelved HexOS, because there's no reason for me to ever access its interface. If my boot drive exploded today I would probably just install TrueNAS and recover the pool there instead, because HexOS doesn't even offer a way to backup and restore itself (another baffling "nah, we don't need that before releasing" decision), or even recover an existing pool without at least threatening to wipe it in the process. But, technically, HexOS is still on my server, so there's that.
  2. I believe someone needs to manually update the catalog for TrueNAS for any app updates to appear, so there's a time delay. 125 popped up for me just now so if you go to discover apps and hit refresh catalog it should show up for you as well. As for HexOS, I don't know if it even supports app updates currently. I can't remember it alerting me to one being available, then again I hardly bother looking at the HexOS interface anymore I just go straight to TrueNAS because I find HexOS to be so limited it's not really relevant after installation.
  3. This is what I get when I shut down my functioning system. I don't think it's great to get a bunch of failures on shutdown, but as far as I can tell this is to be expected so probably isn't relevant to your issue.
  4. I seem to recall seeing a comment from them indicating they plan on selling them through Amazon pretty much as soon as the kickstarter rewards are all shipped. I got mine yesterday and am loving it. It's a proper product. Everything from packaging to the look and feel of the device itself is really well done. I did have to switch the HDMI cable from integrated graphics to discrete to get into BIOS. The output from the i7 in that machine is really weird and hardly works on anything until it's past booting (in the past I've found it only works on monitors, not on TVs, so it was no real surprise the JetKVM couldn't handle it either). While I don't actually need more than a single one at the moment, I'm still going go get me a few more once they become readily available because it's so handy it's only a matter of time before I find myself in a "oh, dang, if I had another one of those right now that would have been so convenient" situation. The only thing I see myself as potentially missing in the future, is wifi connectivity.
  5. When I was struggling with hardware transcoding in Plex, I came across a number of posts with that uuid error in various TrueNAS forums/threads. It wasn't relevant to my issue (I had no errors, it just didn't seem to work), but you might get lucky if you try to search for that error. I seem to remember there were some suggestions of command lines to fix it.
  6. Have you tried removing the ".tmp" extension as suggested here? I had to do that before transcoding would work for me.
  7. For me, I would have gotten a second nvme to add boot drive redundancy when installing. It looks like it can be done after the fact via TrueNAS, but it would have been nice to have that set up from the start and not have to risk boot failure from changing it later on. I'll wait for my JetKVM to arrive before I give that a go, I think. I was generally aware the release would be very limited before I installed, and my mindset was pretty much "just give me a functional RAID5 with SMB shares". It turned out to be a bit worse off than I expected, but it still serves my purpose as a backup for my primary non-redundant NAS (long story). As for waiting.. Yeah, I would tell anyone asking me to forget about it for 6 months or so, then check up on it again. This is more like an internal development build than a product at this point. It's not ready for any kind of "normal" consumer yet, not by a long shot. They got some money out of this, let's hope they use it well and don't rush the next release.
  8. Also worth mentioning is that during HexOS installation, I noticed you can checkbox multiple drives for installation. I assume this creates a mirror pool of boot drives, thus giving you redundancy. After installation, it looks like you can add a second drive to the boot pool in TrueNAS (which is what I'll have to try, since I did not have an extra nvme when I first installed and I can't be bothered to reinstall at this point unless I really have to).
  9. Yeah, I would have expected it to show up in my account or under "manage purchases" or something. I figure it's a low priority "no rush before 1.0" item for them. I ended up digging up an email to guide me to that post.
  10. There's a link in this post:
  11. There's another thread around here somewhere on this. The response was along the lines of "I don't remember why we did that but we'll change it".
  12. I came across some threads that might be relevant to this while I was trying to figure out a different issue I was having with transcoding. I didn't keep those links, but did a search now and try this thread in the Truenas forums, perhaps it would be helpful.
  13. I did a search that lead here because I was wondering if there was a need, and if so a convenient way, to export/backup extra configurations like file shares and such in case of boot drive failure. I figured that it might be automatically backed up to the pool, so that when you reinstalled on a fresh boot drive and imported the pool, it would just ask if you wanted to import the configuration from it and it would be as if nothing ever happened. It didn't even cross my mind that recovering from a boot drive failure at all would not be considered basic functionality. Leaving that aside, does this mean that someone in this situation could start installing HexOS, but bypass and log into TrueNAS directly and recover the pool that way? I don't mean in the sense that you could then continue in HexOS, necessarily, but that you could at least get a file share or something started in TrueNAS so that you could extract the data. Or is there a way to create and download a boot drive backup via the HexOS interface, perhaps? Because if the only way to make the system recoverable from both types of drive failure, is to regularly boot from another boot device in order to image the boot drive, that's... exactly the kind of jank I really want to avoid having to deal with.
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