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Everything posted by Ryan_Haki

  1. Hi there, I am currently using TrueNas Scale an I want a more simple UI but with all the Features, so HexOS is perfekt! I also looked into CasaOS but it hasnt enough Features (e.g. mirroring Drives). But i wonder If it's possible to migrate the Pool and maybe even the settings easily to HexOS? I have one SSD in which TrueNas is on, two 3tb HDD drives which are mirrored and a single 6tb HDD. I guess the settings are on the OS Drive and cannot be transfered (?) But the Pools stay the same or do I have to reformat all the Drives during HexOS-installation? Cause i want to keep my Files 😅 Is there a way or do I need to save the Files somewhere and Put them Back in the system wen it's installed?
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