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Erik Andersen

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Everything posted by Erik Andersen

  1. I have thought about it, I'll probably test it out, Plex doesn't seem to be getting better probably sooner than later. When Plex works, it's fantastic!
  2. It's a long story, I was in the hospital/rehab for half a year after almost dying twice so I wanted to build another simplified system at some point, maybe even go with the Dragon but I wasn't even sure if I'd be above ground for a good while and wanted things as simple as possible for my wife who would go back to a black and white TV if she had to.
  3. I purchased Plex years ago and added it to my home server on an HP ML350 G9 with dual E5-2697A v4' and 192 gigs of memory and a Quadro P2000, I realized soon after this was over-kill and Plex over time is glitchy and is getting worse instead of better. Local streaming from my Nvidia Shield works perfectly, streaming from my Samsung OLED was great but over time it's getting sluggish so I find myself switching to the Shield, speaking of which, come on NVidia would it kill you guys to come out with a new one I mean come on now. I used to have a massive 11.4.3 (I believe that's how it was configured) home theater until a few years ago when our house flooded, I got pennies on the dollar to replace the irreplaceable so I downgraded to a pair of Klipsch "The Nines" which as far as sound goes will blow you away considering no subwoofers. Anyway, since no multi-channel anymore I am not pushing the envelope and now working towards retirement and selling the house, a massive surround sound system typically turns off women so with more room in the living room it should sell easier.
  4. I've been in IT since 1978 and I learn something new every day, oy.
  5. What is Telegram chat? I get that its chat but why does it need its own space?
  6. The Z8 Fury is going to be full on nutter if I can get it. πŸ˜† I read your response to my wife, she is laughing her ass off. 🀣
  7. I may be able to get my hands onto an HP Z8 G5 Fury W9-3475X 128gigs memory, 2 NVMe SSD Sleds, an RTX A4000 and dual 1125 watt PSU's, these things go for insane money, something I would never buy even if I had the money and yet I may be able to get my hands on one. I digress... If I do, it's going to change my entire set up, I have a i9-13900K based desktop right now and an HP ML350 G9 server... I know, crappy situation, first world problem but getting a workstation like this Z8 is something I may never use to it's full extent but should I get it there is no way I'm selling it... time to rip every single DVD/Blu-Ray and improve the digital copies I have now. If I am able to get it I'll post pics, it's an insane build, MSRP on it was over 20k a year ago.
  8. Over 44 years I've had a lot of special cars, my last one was a 2018 Mustang GT, it ran 12.1@116 brand new bone stock, with a tune it ran 11.6@124 on E and factory tires so not even being driven hard. The transmission broke while delecreating one day and it took Ford 6 months to "fix it" and when I got it back it had a vibration issue they couldn't figure out, been down that road before and sued them so got rid of it because wasn't going through that hell again. My latest hot rod is a TIffin Allegro Breeze 32BR... what can I say, I'm old. πŸ˜…
  9. Working great, watching how often I hit that button now. πŸ˜‡
  10. 🀣 Anything is possible. 🀣
  11. In the early 2000's there were some cases with this built in on top top or in front, Thermaltake was one of them, I'll be damned if I can remember the others besides the one the OP is using. I go back to 1979 in my computer journey, I miss the early 80's through to about 2002 when we would go to computer shows and be there for hours drooling over what we would build or add to our machines. Back in 1993 a buddy of mine from work showed me his dad's "secret" computer connected to DARPA, it was boring as hell because we had no access but to see the login prompt, reminded me of War Games. My best home brew was a VTech "pizza box" 386 I got a challenge from their engineering department in 1993 to build a 486DX2-66 out of it and the only rule was I had to use parts from their junk pile, not garbage, engineering samples etc... I modified a PSU and the case to fit a new 486DX2-66, 16megs of ram and a Boca 1 meg video card and filled all of the cache slots and that was the fastest 486 we had in the company at the time. I cobbled together a few of these and supplied a local computer store with some that made me $1,800.00 each and the company didn't care as long as I de-branded the case and sold them as is. I bought my first house with the money made from selling to that store, they loved these rigs. This is the Laser version of the chassis I found on Google, the one I built was Vtech branded. I wish I had pictures of the ones I built, I still have some of the computer badges sitting on my desk at home. Ok, I digress, this isn't the thread for this, sorry. πŸ™‚
  12. 2nd day of not being able to click like... 😢
  13. Tested from my laptop on my hotspot, works nice and fast via tailscale, sweet.
  14. Excellent, tailscale is up and running, nice!
  15. 😁
  16. Considering it was HexOS notifying there was an update it would appear I did exactly that.
  17. Agreed but if you're reading topics and getting good information you should be able to like that, the system knows if a user is clicking or something else is I would hope. Not a big deal but I feel bad if I get good advice and I can't give them a like.
  18. Sounds great thanks!
  19. Thanks! πŸ™‚ Is there an Immich guide as well?
  20. Thanks! πŸ™‚ I'm looking forward to getting Tailscale up and running.
  21. Well chit, HexOS just went offline in the middle of the backup, the computer shows everything is running but the dashboard deck won't load and TrueNas says the link is down.... Great...
  22. First server backup to the HexOS NAS, 1.74Gbps isn't too bad, I'm going to be tackling Tailscale next.
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