In the early 2000's there were some cases with this built in on top top or in front, Thermaltake was one of them, I'll be damned if I can remember the others besides the one the OP is using.
I go back to 1979 in my computer journey, I miss the early 80's through to about 2002 when we would go to computer shows and be there for hours drooling over what we would build or add to our machines. Back in 1993 a buddy of mine from work showed me his dad's "secret" computer connected to DARPA, it was boring as hell because we had no access but to see the login prompt, reminded me of War Games.
My best home brew was a VTech "pizza box" 386 I got a challenge from their engineering department in 1993 to build a 486DX2-66 out of it and the only rule was I had to use parts from their junk pile, not garbage, engineering samples etc... I modified a PSU and the case to fit a new 486DX2-66, 16megs of ram and a Boca 1 meg video card and filled all of the cache slots and that was the fastest 486 we had in the company at the time. I cobbled together a few of these and supplied a local computer store with some that made me $1,800.00 each and the company didn't care as long as I de-branded the case and sold them as is. I bought my first house with the money made from selling to that store, they loved these rigs.
This is the Laser version of the chassis I found on Google, the one I built was Vtech branded. I wish I had pictures of the ones I built, I still have some of the computer badges sitting on my desk at home. Ok, I digress, this isn't the thread for this, sorry. π