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  1. I would love for steam headless to be supported, it would avoid having to create a VM.
  2. I would like a search feature to avoid having to scroll the list of apps to see if a certain app is available
  3. Would love fahrenheit temperature support for those of us in the freedom states of merica 🇺🇸
  4. Interesting, so when would an update require us to manually perform the update?
  5. You don't need a new license, just make sure you remove the license every time you switch to another system
  6. You don’t, the license is not attached to the hardware. You would have to just remove it from the previous server and then apply it to the next one
  7. I just realized Immich was barely using my CPU and RAM, I went through the TrueNAs UI and give it alot more resources and now is a lot faster. This would be a cool option maybe not right when we chose to install but later have the option to allocate resources for those of us that want to tinker with it. Some apps don’t need to use the CPU that much but others do
  8. Got it, I wanted to use an older 128GB SSD to not waste my larger ones but looks like is better if I use the more reliable larger ones
  9. They haven't pushed an update yet. Once they do we'll see how they handle it
  10. If my SSD stops working what happens to the OS? Since is not included in the RAID would my data be wiped?
  11. This feature has not been added yet
  12. Is this better than VMWare?
  13. How’s the performance?
  14. AJV

    Boot drive question

    Awesome I’ll use the smallest SSD then
  15. How important is the storage on the boot drive? I know the pool doesn’t include it but when will the storage of the boot drive be used? Is it to just run HexOS or will it also contain apps?
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