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Everything posted by C_Alex

  1. I'm starting to think they are making this difficult on purpose so people like me do not have the temptation of installing HexOS on their main machines
  2. Sure, but the concept of having one machine replicating to a second one was already possible so it should be possible also on HexOS, only maybe not with the ase of the buddy backup system they are offering. I'm betting someone will make it work and teach us how to do it. Anyway, as @casedistorted says, we can always bite the bullet on a 200 dollar license in the future and, if HexOS is 90% of what I expect it to be I'll be glad to give them money again.
  3. After watching the LTT video, since you can access the TrueNAS interface anyway, maybe we can make a backup of our current setup and then import that to a HexOS setup?
  4. I was hopping to be able to make "buddy backup" work between a HexOS server and a TrueNAS one (somehow) because two licenses now are a bit too heavy for my wallet and because I'm not 100% committed to having two servers. But now I'm afraid I may regret having only one license...
  5. But can I just do a fresh install of HEXOS and then mount my TrueNAS pools, even if I then need to setup everything again? I have a lot of data and not many places to temporarily store it
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