If you're planning to stream 4K movies/tv shows outside of your home network, you're going to have some additional factors to consider:
Depending on how big the movie/show is, you need sufficient upload speeds (50Mbps+) to stream smoothly
Optional: Graphics Card - Helps with Transcoding (See NVIDIA GPU Matrix - https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-and-decode-gpu-support-matrix-new)
Optional: Number of concurrent users streaming - Beefier equipment
What transcoding basically does is that if the device does not support 4K or has limited download speed, the Plex server will be forced to transcode that media file into something that the device can process. For example, if your Plex server upload speed is limited to 10Mbps upload speed but the movie requires 50Mbps upload speed, the Plex server will have to use the CPU or GPU (better) to transform that media into a lower quality in order to stream that movie. Another example could be that the TV that one of your relatives has does not support 4K. As a result, the Plex server will need to transcode the media into a 1080p or 2K movie in order to stream it to their device. All this will consume a lot of CPU. At that point, it's not worth it to get a beefier CPU and it's better to invest in a better GPU because it can transcode way better and more efficiently than a CPU.
Hence, that's why I asked that question of direct play versus transcoding. In an ideal world, let's say everyone meets the requirements of upload/download speed, 4K TVs, etc. then no transcoding will need to take place and the Plex Server will direct play the media to the users. If everyone is using direct play, then no need for GPU and at that point you just need to account for how many users will be streaming at the same time.
P.S. Plex also has a setting where you can force users to only do direct play and no transcoding at all which means that any users that does not meet the requirements of watching the video (bandwidth, resolution, etc) will not be able to watch the movie/show or may watch it with a limited experience.