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Everything posted by Justice4all

  1. Thanks for the reply mate, but it does not seem to be working for me at all sadly whats the port for Immich? I can give that a go?
  2. Hi All 🙂 Totally new to TrueNas / HexOS, I'm used to using Proxmox and running VMs that way, moved all my things over to Hex now, to give it ago. I installed Immich but other than a notification saying it's installed it has no link to access the control panel etc. I assumed since it was supposed to be natively installed by Hex, it would show the application. Also side note, how do we apply updates when they come out? I updated TrueNAS after I installed HexOS and it broke my pool and I had to start all over again. I wish it had more hand-holding at times, as right now it just looks like a small webpage giving limited options 😞
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