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  1. Did you say that you got your Intel ARC working with HW transcoding?
  2. Hmmm, now I’m at a crossroads on deciding if I should remove HexOS for now and table it for down the road after they fix the issue or buy yet another single slot GPU for transcoding (like a P2200) but I really don’t want to pay more money for a GPU that I really don’t need
  3. Unfortunately I’m still waiting for a response to my inquiry. I emailed support 2 this week and still haven’t received a response of any type.
  4. Thanks Mawson and Nightwish, I’ll give it a try now.
  5. I reported the issue to the upper powers that day and heard nothing back. Every time I would try to validate my email it would reject it. It finally verified my account and I went to purchase it today but unfortunately, it’s doubled in price. $99.00 for home use was reasonable but 199.00, that’s a pass. Especially after the issues I has with the website and not receiving any type of reply. If it was still 99.00 I would purchase it
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